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Nickel Exposure Can Be Deadly

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, there has been a recent 40 percent increase in the number of people testing positive for nickel allergies or nickel sensitivity. One of the most hidden culprits of allergies is nickel. Nickel is used to make a wide variety of items from fashion jewelry to pens and paper clips, to bra snaps, batteries, coins, and eyeglasses. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, nickel is one of the biggest causes of contact dermatitis in America.

Allergy Aggravators

Nickel allergies are something you develop; they are not something you are born with. Habits like biting paper clips and pens or the surge of body piercings are contributing factors that increase your risk of developing an allergic reaction to nickel. Once you develop a nickel allergy, you are stuck with it for life. If you are allergic to nickel, the only way to prevent an allergic reaction is to prevent exposure.

 You can wear jewelry made from stainless steel or 24-karat gold instead of 14-karat gold, which is often mixed with nickel. You may also want to limit your use of less costly jewelry since that can often have larger amounts of nickel. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends jewelry made of surgical stainless steel or a coated alloy. Nickel jewelry can come in the form of gold, platinum, and silver, but is most commonly used to make costume jewelry and 14-karat gold jewelry.

In addition to coming into contact with nickel on the surface or ingesting it, nickel allergies can develop from eating foods high in nickel such as shellfish, chocolate milk, and beans. People also have experienced reactions when drinking faucet water containing nickel or breathing in its dust. It is also found in many textiles, fragrances, and cosmetics. Ultimately, nickel can be found almost anywhere, which is why being able to identify symptoms of an allergic reaction to nickel is valuable and can even save someone’s life.

Allergic Reactions

Because there are many different triggers for people with nickel allergies, it’s important to know what symptoms to look for. Nickel contact dermatitis causes either mild itching, redness, or severe infections. Exposure can cause topical rashes and skin irritations that last from one to four weeks. Skin irritation from nickel can also lead to eczema, which becomes worse in the summer heat.

Not only does nickel affect the skin, but it can damage your lungs. Nickel is a carcinogen and when inhaled can cause a variety of issues. The United States Department of Health and Human Service Agency for Toxic and Disease Registry warns that those allergic to nickel may also develop asthma attacks following contact with nickel exposure.

Fumes from heated nickel can cause shortness of breath and coughing, while higher exposures can cause a build-up of fluid in the lungs. There has also been a link between nickel and lung, nose, and throat cancer, as well as pregnancy complications and fetal abnormalities. Even many cigarettes contain nickel that causes breathing problems and emphysema – although breathing in tar, tobacco, and nicotine also contributes to respiratory problems, so it’s best to avoid cigarettes altogether.

Avoidable or Occupational Hazard?

Nickel is a carcinogen, meaning that inhaling this substance is hazardous to your lungs and nasal canal. As a result, nickel is on the Hazardous Substance List in the United States as being one of the most dangerous alloys and is regulated by OSHA (Occupational Hazard Safety Association). Since nickel can be found in the workplace, it is therefore an occupational hazard. The levels of exposure to carcinogens like nickel should be limited to minute levels, and all necessary precautions should be taken to reduce exposure risks.

According to OSHA, the legal airborne limit of nickel exposure is 1 milligram every eight hours. Exposure to nickel can occur when metal compounds and alloys are welded, cut, and plated, causing the air to become extremely hot and setting off metal carcinogenic fumes. Exposure to these fumes should be regulated, and anybody who is at risk of nickel exposure is strongly advised to wear a facemask to limit inhalation exposure.

Health Risks

Rarely does anything come without risk. While there are some things that we, as humans, can get away with, exposure to nickel is not one of them. Once you’ve been exposed to this ultra-hazardous chemical, you will know it by your body’s adverse reactions. Immediate indications that your body has a negative reaction to nickel exposure include irritated eyes, itchy skin, shortness of breath, coughing, and possible fluid in the lungs. While these symptoms are curable, we suggest you check with your doctor if you are experiencing symptoms.

Nickel – The Deadly Truth

Unfortunately, long-term exposure to nickel can cause a plethora of more severe and ultimately fatal symptoms. Chronic health effects of nickel exposure are a result of long-term nickel inhalation. It can last years in the body before one is aware of the deterioration. Cancer of the lung, nose, and throat are a direct result of extended exposure to nickel fumes.

If you suspect you’ve have been exposed to nickel or question any rashes due to jewelry or occupational exposure, seek medical attention immediately.

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